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HostJane seller Dheeraj - Java




Extensible Markup Language (XML) as a skill in relation to the emergence of web technologies in the context of distributed computing, supporting architectures, static and dynamic content provisioning techniques and standards. Current Web data standards XML related technologies, such as DTD, XML Schema, XLink, XSLT, as well as Java programming support for them. Security and session handling SSL, session handling with cookies, sessions with servlet session APIs. Java servlets designing and deploying servlets. Web Services: SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol: an XML-based protocol for exchanging information between computers, XML-RPC or remote procedure call, UDDI - Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (an XML-based registry), WSDL - Web Services Description Language. Enhance web pages by learning to write code in XML. This self-describing grammatical mark up language provides a better means of managing and searching data, and easier, low-cost business operation on the internet. Got a XML project? Hire the best XML freelancers with the right skills and background in December 2024 to get your XML job done quickly. Schedule a consultation with a XML freelancer today. Read less

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