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HostJane seller Lina - German Language


German Language


Taking the Wikipedia definition of DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid is a polymer composed of two polynucleotide chains, find skills on HostJane to carry out elementary genetic analysis and construct a simple linkage map and describe the natural mechanisms of gene transmission in bacteria and how they can be used for gene mapping. Describe the basic principles of gene cloning and the construction of gene libraries in bacteria. Discuss the basic principles of genome sequencing and use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify and recover specific segments of DNA. Construct simple restriction enzyme maps of DNA molecules. Demonstrate a basic understanding of mechanisms of gene regulation in prokaryotes. Got a DNA project? Hire the best DNA freelancers with the right skills and background in February 2025 to get your DNA job done quickly. Schedule a consultation with a DNA freelancer today. Read less

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Top Frequently Asked Questions
What do we mean by DNA structure?
Physical structure and properties of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) as a double helix carrying genetic instructions. The physical principles of the major experimental methods to study DNA are explained, among them: X-ray analysis, NMR, optical methods (absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence), centrifugation, gel electrophoresis, chemical and enzymatic probing. Different theoretical models of DNA are presented, among them the melting (helix-coil) model, the polyelectrolyte model, the elastic-rod model, and the topological model. Theoretical approaches to treat the models, (e.g., the Monte Carlo method) are covered. Special emphasis is placed on DNA topology and DNA unusual structures and their biological significance. Major structural features of RNA are considered in parallel with DNA. The main principles of DNA-protein interaction are presented; the role of DNA and RNA structure in most fundamental biological proceses, replication, transcription, recombination, reparation, and translation is considered
Covers the basic properties of biological macromolecules and assemblies including proteins, nucleic acids, and membranes. Among the topics covered are the forces that govern biological structures, how proteins act as catalysts, how membranes act to store energy, and how nucleic acids and proteins are synthesized in cells. Methods for manipulating the living cells to change their properties and to produce specific proteins of nucleic acids are detailed.


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