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Plugin Development

WordPress plugin and Gutenberg block development backed in full-stack PHP coding; skills in JavaScript, SVN version control, MySQL, jQuery, Git, React, SCSS. Find Plugin Development WFH freelancers on February 22, 2025 who work remotely. Read less

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Top Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key code areas involved in developing a new plugin?

The following code features form the backbone of developing a robust WordPress plugin, keeping in mind WordPress's ecosystem, security, performance, and user experience:

Plugin Header:
Every plugin starts with a header in the main PHP file that includes plugin name, description, version, author, and other metadata.

PHP Functions:
Use PHP for all backend logic, including hooks, filters, and custom functions. Functions are crucial for adding new features or modifying existing WordPress behaviors.

Utilize WordPress action and filter hooks to execute code at specific points in WordPress. Actions for doing things, filters for modifying data.

Create shortcodes for easily adding custom functionality or content to posts, pages, or widgets via short, memorable codes.

Develop custom widgets to extend the WordPress admin and frontend by adding new sidebar or dashboard elements.

Custom Post Types:
Register new types of content beyond posts and pages to manage different data forms within WordPress.

Options and Settings:
Implement settings pages using the WordPress Settings API to allow users to configure your plugin.

Enqueue Scripts and Styles:
Properly add JavaScript and CSS files to your plugin without conflicting with other scripts or styles on the site.

Database Operations:
Interact with WordPress database using functions like get_option(), update_option(), or even custom queries, but always through WordPress's database abstraction layer.

Follow WordPress coding standards for security, like sanitizing inputs and escaping outputs, using nonces for form submissions, and validating user capabilities.

Make your plugin translatable by using functions like __() for translating strings, allowing the plugin to be used in different languages.

Activation and Deactivation:
Include functions to handle what happens when your plugin is activated or deactivated, like adding or removing options from the database.

Optionally, include an uninstall method to clean up after your plugin when it's deleted, removing options, custom tables, or other data.

Write inline documentation using PHPDoc comments for functions, classes, and methods to make your code more maintainable and understandable.

Version Control:
Keep track of changes using version control systems like Git, even if not hosting on platforms like GitHub or GitLab.

Ensure your plugin works with different versions of WordPress by testing and using version checks (if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '4.7', '<' ) )).

Error Handling and Logging:
Implement error logging (error_log()) or use WordPress's debugging tools to help diagnose issues.

AJAX Calls:
If needed, set up AJAX handlers for dynamic content loading or user interactions without page reloads.

Extend or use the WordPress REST API for modern web applications, allowing interaction with your plugin's data via HTTP requests.

User Roles and Capabilities:
Manage permissions by checking user roles or adding custom capabilities to control who can use features of your plugin.

Performance Considerations:
Optimize code to not slow down WordPress, using techniques like lazy loading, caching, or efficient database queries.

While not strictly code, the development process should include unit and integration tests to catch bugs early.


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