Parents and guardians can hire teachers on HostJane for their school-aged students. We connect students with online math tutors who can teach the exact skills you need to improve grades and fully understand math concepts. As a quick guide, we expect math lessons by grade level to cover these areas:
Pre-Kindergarden: Learning to identify and count numbers up to 10; counting money including nickels, dimes and quarters; identifying positions like left, middle and right; adding and subtracting numbers up to 10;
Levels of Math Classes in Elementary
Kindergarten: Comparing, adding and subtracting numbers up to 20; skip-counting; mixed operations; fractions, sorting, ordering and classifying; probability; measurement, two- and three-dimensional shapes including cones, spheres, cylinders, hexagons, trianlges, squares, rectangles and introducing symmetry
Grade 1: Understanding adding and subtracting, introduction to venn diagrams; place values, spatial sense; introducting halves, thirds, fourths in fractions, days of the week, calendars, analog and digital clocks
Grade 2: Place-value models, subtraction with two- and three-digits, data and graphs, units of measurement, addition and subtraction properties, multiplication and division, logical reasoning
Grade 3: Roman numerals, even and odd numbers, inequalities, multiplying and dividing fluently up to 12, times tables, equivalent fractions and comparing fractions, operations with fractions, estimation and rounding, triangles and quadrilaterals, data graphs and probability
Grade 4: Number sense, statistics (mean, mode, median, range), angles, fraction equivalence and ordering, geometric measurement, financial literacy (profit, fixed and variable expenses), adding and subtracting fractions with denominators, more advanced multiplication and division with word problems, quotients, distributive property
Grade 5: Dividing decimals, box and lattic multiplication, multiplying numbers ending in zeroes, symmetry and transformations, financial literacy (income, payroll, taxes, keeping a budget, gross and net concepts), multi-step word problems, converting percents, fractions and decimals, problem solving